First School Week!
I started my classes last Monday and boy that was interesting. I met my first instructor and he is Chef Hicham a Moroccan decent. He is very strict with attendance but I feel that I will learn a lot from him. He taught the subject The professional Chef . We talked about the different kinds of positions in the kitchen and wow my tongue was truly exercised since all the terms were in french. I like it though because I always dreamed of learning the language. I've been sleeping well in my rented room but I still need to make it more livable. It's hard to be apart from my family but I really want to study culinary so I have to be vigilant in my studies to come. I won't be seeing Chef Hicham for the next couple of weeks until I start my basic culinary or when I start the cooking classes. I look forward to getting my knives with my name carved in it, ohhh it really is very exciting and learning of course the function of each one plus I'm really excited to learn how to make decors out of vegetables. I may have to buy vegetables to practice on but that's getting ahead of myself. I didn't bring any camera with me so I don't have pics of my new school yet. I will keep posting about my progress so watch out for them.
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