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Thursday, March 12, 2009

Reminiscing !

I was just browsing old files here in my computer when I found this old picture I had scanned. It's a picture of one of my family's gatherings. I believe I was in grade 6 when this picture was taken. We were always a happy bunch whenever we get together. We are loud and we talk and laugh a lot.It's always a picnic for us when we go to our grandparent's house even now. We would always make it a habit to go on a diet before we leave for her house because we know that when we get there it would be a non stop eating event. When we have parties it usually starts in the morning and ends at night while constantly talking and eating during that time span. Can you just imagine the amount of food we consume and that's just not one day but in the duration of our stay. Our grandparent's place is like a comfort zone for all of us. A mini reunion always happens on their birthdays so you can always hear the loudness of the music when we dance and the peals of laughter when we chat. I'm grinning from ear to ear as I am writing this blog, those are times you would always keep in your memory forever.


Momgen March 13, 2009 at 12:07 AM  

kabibo oy...

Insanely Chay is.... March 13, 2009 at 2:23 PM  

sus anah gyud mi basta magka get together.Samot na gyud karon.