Shine like the stars!
I have been surfing the web to find suitable dating sites so I can find a man for myself but I am stumped because in some sites you can just introduce yourself and wait for someone to write you or find someone you can write but it takes a long time. I wanted to find a site where I can directly talk to a person and exchange views and see his expression as we talk. My friend Pal and I have the same problem because let us not hide the truth some men just don't dig big women like me but still I believe that there are exceptions to the rule.
Luckily I found bbw chat. It is a place where women like us can go and let our hairs down and just be ourselves without worrying about being judged. It is free to join and the minute you make an account you can then meet people in a snap. You can be on live cam and talk your heart out at the same time meet people all over the place from all walks of life.My fingers are itching to create an account. So all you big single ladies out there it is our time to shine and show the world what we can do.